Due to COVID-19, in-person training may not be possible. Please keep checking to see whether an upcoming class will be held in person or changed to a live and interactive webinar.
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Trudy Wilson is a nationwide instructor for Global Training Center.
Click here for upcoming class information & registration
Full Day Topics

Half Day Topics

Export to Mexico
Understanding cultural differences can go a long way! Course presents an overview of the processes involved in cross-border exportation between the United States and Mexico. This course is designed to help organizations understand cultural differences, the legal requirements of doing business in Mexico and provide an opportunity to focus on establishing/updating operations and internal procedures which will enable companies to practice a level of reasonable care
Export to Canada
Streamline your shipments to Canada. Learn about the Canadian customs requirements, review procedures, learn the documentation requirements, non-resident importations and the process of clearing goods at Canadian Customs. This course has been designed to provide a comprehensive guide for the requirements for shipping products to Canada and to facilitate exporting to Canada.

Incoterms Rules
International Commercial Terms were created to facilitate international trade. But without a good understanding of Incoterms, the terms you are using may be putting your company at risk and adding unnecessary costs and confusion. Take this class to understand when the transfer of risk moves from the Seller to the Buyer and who is responsible for insurance. Understanding Incoterms is vital to importers, exporters, bankers, and service providers.
All Half Day Topics Include Reference Book